"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, they are now SHACKLED with DEBT."

Rise Of A New Banking Association

The date was 6 October, 2012, when a new banking association was born. The Private Bankers National Banking Association, PBNBA, Common Law financial banking organization. Not a Federal Reserve Bank Association making fraudulent debt loans, this was for unincorporated Private Banker members in a national banking association to write and issue preprocessed PBNBA promissory notes to pay off debts under Federal law; Congressional Statutes At Large, Positive True Law; and Common Law.

Under these same laws, PBNBA private banker members are authorized to write and issue prepossessed PBNBA promissory notes to pay off all type of financial debts under Public Policy and Law 73-10, Chapter 48, 48 Stat 112, under the HJR 192 law.

You can find out about being a member in this new national banking association by going to www.PBNBA.com and reading the factual educational information which shows you How-To become a member in the Private Bankers National Banking Association, PBNBA, financial banking organization so you can pay off and discharge, with full settlement, all of your alleged debts using the Little Promissory Note, LPN.

The PBNBA E-booklet is FREE to those of you who become lifetime members so we can have strength in numbers to fight the bank fraud that is robbing you. Get your lifetime member Certificate and proudly display it today.

The Federal Reserve banks hate us, but they accept our PBNBA promissory notes written and issued by our Private Banker members as debt payment-in-full with full settlement of their bogus loan accounts that are held by the various banks throughout the United States and other countries. So go to www.PBNBA.com today and pay off your presumed debts, not with company funny counterfeit money, but with promissory notes like the banks trick you into signing at the closing table.


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