"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, they are now SHACKLED with DEBT."


Here’s the UCC section Code Statute regarding making a security instrument non-negotiable, so you won’t be liable to perform on the instrument.

Of course, if they refuse to allow you to do that, they’ll just be admitting that their applications really ARE NEGOTIABLE SECURITY INSTRUMENTS, and so identifying themselves as MERCHANTS, who are Federal Commercial PRIVATE Corporate parties who are NOT part of a dejure gov’t.
(b) “Instrument” means a negotiable instrument.
(d) A promise or order other than a check is not an instrument if, at the time it is issued or first comes into possession of a holder, it contains a conspicuous statement, however, expressed, to the effect that the promise or order is not negotiable or is not an instrument governed by this Article.

UCC 3-604 is a viable defense for using the Cap Financial Security Instrument to verify that you paid off and discharged the claimed debt..

The CAP Security here at Cancel1Mortgage.info has a 100% Money-Back Guarantee and meets all these requirements, has paid off all types of Bank and Financial claimed debts, and has been accepted by banks, courts, and mortgage companies as debt termination.. Think about it..

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