Oh, and NEGOTIABLE SECURITY INSTRUMENTS ALSO should work on Territorial Federal Government Birth Certificates. Father or mother should add the words “NOT NEGOTIABLE” before their signature on the ORIGINAL Birth Certificate of newborns.
Heck, add it to ALL your signatures on all Federal government forms. At the very least you’ll find out if you’re dealing with the Confederation united states (NOT CAPITALIZED) of America perpetual union government of the American People, or some PRIVATE CORPORATE MERCHANTS pretending under the first constitution of the 1777 Articles of Confederation or are under the 1787 Territorial Federal United States of America Second Constitution Union.
All Rights Reserved (UCC 1-308) is what I use on all Government agreements, Communications, contracts, or Application paperwork.
The CAP Security at Cancel1Mortgage.info has a 100% Money-Back Guarantee and meets all these requirements, has paid off all types of Bank and Financial claimed debts, and has been accepted by banks, courts, and mortgage companies as debt termination.. Think about it..
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