"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, they are now SHACKLED with DEBT."

You Provide A Little Work – And We Make Your Mortgage Debt Go Away!

Doing what we say makes your Mortgage Debt go away. You provide a little work, we provide your debt discharge SOLUTION with our 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

THIS MAN HAS spent over 19 years carrying out extensive research into how, and why, banks across the globe carry out securitization to comment fraud and criminal activities with the blessings of the ignorant B.A.R.

ATTORNEY COURT JUDGES, and the simple truth answer is as follows:
Bank regulations may impose limits on their Borrowing from “Warehouse lines of credit” to Lend, Invest, or maintenance of their loan books.

Therefore, most will decide to remove existing assets from their books as soon as they get your debt signature to monetize on your mortgage or Automobile paperwork. Selling existing residential and commercial mortgages is the most profitable option for the pretender lender bank.

Your mortgage is like a HOT POTATO that the Investor Lender Bank must get rid by selling or assigning your debt lien property to make a profit.

This is why Banks or Lenders DO NOT SIGN your documents as Lender Banks do not give you a loan or lend you money. Banks are INVESTMENT COMPANIES THAT BORROW MONEY FROM INVESTOR WAREHOUSE LINES OF CREDIT AS BORROWERS AND DEBTORS.

Banks often thru securitization, which maybe illegal as securitization destroys the original NOTE AND MORTGAGE Documents under the SEC Double Dipping Rule, and bundle up hundreds, sometimes thousands, of mortgages and sell (assign) them on to a third party investor Trust, mortgage companies, or other banks. This is also true of Automobile Loan Debt Contracts.

Once they have sold or assigned the mortgage asset for a profit, they can remove the loans from their balance sheet, allowing them to meet regulatory requirements or supposedly lend more money.
Doing as we say makes your Mortgage Debt go away. You provide a little work; We provide your debt discharge SOLUTION with our 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

What does this mean to you?

When your mortgage has been securitized, your financial obligation to pay your lender or anyone will have been paid in full, by the investor warehouse, Bank, or Investor Trust sell or assigns the moment that the lender sold (Assigned) it making a profit.

Once your lender removes your mortgage from their balance sheet, your contractual obligation to pay ceases, but thru your ignorance and the Lender’s educated concealment, misrepresentation, and non-disclosure you continue to pay your mortgage through your lender (SERVICER) statement payment request, who acts as a collection agent for the investors for another fee. Doing as we say makes your Mortgage Debt go away. You provide a little work; We provide your debt discharge SOLUTION with our 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

At the beginning of the loan, the major error occurs by the Lender Bank not completing the paperwork correctly and not amending the assigned charge meaning NOTE AND MORTGAGE DEBT LIEN they hold on your property. The moment your mortgage liability has been paid, neither your lender nor do the Investors, Trust, Mortgage Company, or Assigns hold any rights to the charge meaning your NOTE, Mortgage, or the STATE’S Automobile in your NAME, as your obligation to pay any of these debts has been discharged, settled, paid off, and your Lender Mortgage account balance sheet has been closed with a zero balance under GAAP bookkeeping and accounting method that all Country’s businesses use.

Your NOTE AND MORTGAGE contract Property is then a perpetual debt instrument and the Sold (Assigns) make a profit each time it is sold or assigned unknowingly to you the homeowner. But remember, these documents are your private property because no one accepted them after your escrow closing.

At Cancel1Mortgage.info, we expose this bank fraud to get your debt terminated and Discharged with a zero Balance when and if you follow our simple step by step client instructions. Doing as we say makes your Mortgage Debt go away. You provide a little work; We provide your debt discharge SOLUTION with our 100% Money-Back Guarantee! Think about it..

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