Join the MEMBERS OF THE PRIVATE BANKERS BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION and become a Private Banker, National Banker, and Legal CREDITOR under Federal, U.C.C., and Common Law.
Order your PBNBA E-BOOK Today!
Private Bankers Bank National Banking Association was established 6 October 2012, as an Exclusive common law of the land Private Bank, National Association under Federal Law for members of ordinary people like you to write, by signing your signature, on and to issue a legal State licensed Financial Security Processing Enterprise pre-processed for a processing cost. Promissory NOTE Securities that are legally processed by a STATE licensed and processed by DG Enterprise, as per Congressional Positive Statutes At Large Law, Title 62 codified under Title 12 U.S Code banking laws – Banks and Banking; Attorney Judges wrote United States Code of Law at Title 12 U.S.C. §24 seventh; and Title 18 U.S.C. §8 so the average man or woman who is certified and registered as a Private Banker can pay off bank presumed debts without using the Corporation’s Counterfeited fiat Federal Reserve Note Commercial Paper Dollars as money from a private corporation with a Foreign British Crown Dunn & Bradstreet Business Company Number that counterfeits money as per 12 U.S.C. §411, the Federal Reserve Act §16, U.C.C. Law, and the Confederation of Individual 50 republic state countries’ Organic 1787-91 Republic Constitution For the United States of America land area consisting of the Union of 50 individual nations/countries of North America for protection of life, liberty, freedom, rights and property of We the People..
The Federal Reserve Bank District of Columbia MUNICIPALITY Promissory Note Dollars are not meant for you, the public, to spend as money. 12 U.S.C. §411– ISSUANCE TO RESERVE BANKS; NATURE OF OBLIGATION; REDEMPTION states:
Federal Reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of making advances to Federal Reserve banks through the Federal Reserve agents as hereinafter set forth and for no other purpose, are authorized. The said notes shall be obligations of the United States and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes, customs, and other public dues. They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank.
Both Federal Constitutions, 1787-91 Organic and the 1871 CORPORATE Rewritten in clauses 8 and 10 states: Lawful money is gold or silver coins with a troy ounce .999 pure.
Did you know that the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, the United States Government, and all U.S. Departments have a British Crown Dunn & Bradstreet Business Company Number and are foreign corporate STATE ENTITIES? Well, they are and a lot of them are in the PBNBA e-booklet.
This means the Government is not what you have believed and it is not a country! Every STATE and CITY MUNICIPALITY CORPORATIONS in the UNITED STATES has one of these Foreign business company registered numbers from the Crown of England company. What do you expect from a Territory Corporation of the United Kingdom? And guess WHAT?? YOU HAVE ONE OF THESE BUSINESS NUMBERS WITH THE GOVERNMENT’S FORCED CORPORATE ALL CAPS NAME
This means you, the living man or living woman are committing a crime and are a Legal Fiction, Capital Corporation for spending Private Company Federal Reserve Notes in the place of lawful money. But what can you do since the Government stole your lawful money in 1933?? This is why you pay income taxes, property taxes, registration fees, license fees, and all types of other fees to the banks and Business Corporation BAR Courts with Black Robed dress of the Transvestite Male Attorney Judge Administrators impersonating Courts of Justice in each and every Sub-Corporation STATE OF the DEEP STATE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CORPORATION.
Every BAR business corporation company court in every STATE also has a British Crown Dunn & Bradstreet Business Company number also which means they are not COURTS OF JUSTICE as you believe them to be, and this includes your Federal Supreme Court!
The 72 Banks’ Attorney Judges and Attorneys wrote the U.S.C. Banking Laws and U.C.C. Laws under the Color of Law meaning Corporate legislative Statutes (pronounced Stat-hoots), Codes, Rules, Regulations, Court Case Law, and Public Policy in fraud against the Organic Constitution… Not me!
Look it up for yourself and see the banks’ fraud upon you, the American People.
You, as a Registered Certified Private Banker, can have the authority to write and issue legal and verified CAP Security Instrument notes to pay off debts on the same par as the Federal Reserve Note Dollars by Federal U.C.C. Law in commerce and Exclusive Common Law as an active member of the Private Bankers National Banking Association, PBNBA.
Write a CAP Security Instrument Promissory Note by signing your signature and Issue this promissory note security to the banks, Government, and Corporations to pay off all your bank debts with the legal processing of our affiliate at by joining today.
Our e-booklet explains the laws and how an individual man or woman, a registered and certified by Day Global Enterprise as a Private Banker, so you can actually pay off debts with the issuance of a PBNBA associate processed CAP Security Instrument promissory note, which is the equivalent of money by federal UCC Law, instead of using the UNITED STATES Private Corporation Company Fiat Federal Reserve Note dollar dummy money that keeps you a debt slave.
NOTE: When you purchase the PBNBA e-booklet below, there are NO REFUNDS
, because you have 24 hours a day access due to the fact that the download link that you are redirected to automatically after your purchase is in your credit card or debit card receipt. The description of the information and contents are below the order box. Please read the description before ordering.
The Private Bankers National Banking Association pre-processed for a fee promissory notes have Legally paid off debts against the obligations of the United States due you whose private property is at risk to collateralize the government’s debt and currency, by legal definitions and to pay off the UNITED STATES Company Corporation’s National Debt.
Private Bankers National Banking Association pre-processed for a fee promissory notes are required by law to be accepted as “Legal Tender” of payment of all debts public and private and are defined in law as “Obligations of the United States“, “Legal Tender“, and “United States Currency” on the same par and category with Federal Reserve Notes, Notes; Cash, Checks, Bank Checks, Wire Transfers, Bank Transfers, Electronic Funds Transfer, Certified Checks, Treasurer’s Check, Money Orders, Bank Deposits, U.S. Currency, and other currency.
Become a Lifetime Member and purchase the E-booklet, you shall receive ten shares of private common stock in the company for FREE AND receive a $1,000.00 discount if you have a debt to pay off also.. The cost for to become a private Banker without a debt to be discharged is $1,500.00. Pay off your debts today, one at a time.
Only Lifetime Memberships are available.
Order your PBNBA e-booklet today and become a Private Banker to pay off all your debts now Click Here.
You must order your PBNBA E-booklet when ordering the CAP Security Instrument and E-booklet because the Required Items Needed and Agreement is in each of these E-booklets.
For payment instructions on how to Join today for $1,500 send us an email at and order your LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP and get multiple pre-processed promissory notes to pay off multiple debts, and ten (10) Shares of the Company Private Common Stocks in the Private Bankers National Banking Association now. There is a $1000.00 discount on the first Promissory Note processed for you when you have a debt to pay off with the order, so you will be able for us to get your promissory note legally processed and your debt paid in full/Discharged with full settlement of your debt under Banking Title 12 USC law. Order the CAP Security Instruments after you have invested in our PBNBA e-booklet.
As of 1 January 2017, your lifetime membership gives you a $1,000.00 discount on only the First CAP Security Instrument you order and write that we legally process for a low price of $1500.00 plus the cost of the CAP Security Instrument. SO… When you purchase the Legal processing for both the PBNBA membership and the CAP Security to pay off your debt, you will receive a $1,000.00 discount PBNBA discount; thus, you save money.. Don’t Delay, become a private banker Today!
Email me a copy of your processing cost deposit AFTER you send the ITEMS NEEDED and the NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENTS from BOTH the PBNBA and CAP Security Instruments when you order, so we can start processing immediately. Sorry for the temporary inconvenience.. We process and send the complete CAP Security and PBNBA Membership Package out every Saturday by DHL Courier for all ITEMS NEEDED and Agreement with Payment that we receive by Tuesday prior to Saturday..
I am in the Philippines again to visit my Brother. I can be reached only by email during this time as before. Remember I am 14 hours ahead of Central Standard Time. When it is noon Central time, it will be 2 AM in the morning here. I shall be back in the states by the end of this month, March 2020
Please email me the deposit receipt so we can start processing.
As soon as we receive your processing fee, the Items Needed in a Word Document and the Agreement in PDF we will pre-process your CAP Security Instrument and email you the CLIENT INSTRUCTIONS for your participation and mail out your membership package within 5 working days after we receive the UCC1 filing number with you using the SAMPLE in the Client INSTRUCTIONS.
We are Private Bankers under Federal Law, Exclusive Common Law, U.C.C. Commercial Law, and World Law and we are NOT Attorneys nor Accountants and we do NOT provide any legal, accounting, or financial advice and we do NOT make loans.