"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, they are now SHACKLED with DEBT."

Best Hidden Government Bank Criminal Action in the History of Man, Part 5

The “Articles of Confederation” and Perpetual Union is the first written constitution of the original organic styled or named “United States of America” in Congress assembled.

The Articles of Confederation named the new American nation “The united states of America.” Written in 1777 and stemming from wartime urgency, its progress was slowed by fears of central authority and extensive land claims by states. It was not ratified and adopted by all of the 13 state colonies’ Legislatures until March 1, 1781. Under these articles, the states and people remained sovereign and independent.

Then the Territorial Federal corporate bank or finance company fraudulently say and claim that they are the lenders of your presumed loan using their assets or money that is proven to be illegal by Territorial Federal law under the 1787 Territorial Federal Constitution that was never lawfully Ratified and never confirmed (Adopted) by any state.

Article IX of the first organic and original Constitution for the first styled or named “united states of America”, 1777, explains that Federal Territorial Jurisdiction concerns boundary between the Territorial Federal “UNITE STATES OF AMERICA” consisting of Territorial Federal United States 14th Amendment Citizens who RESIDE in their “forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards, and other needful buildings” within the boundaries of the confederation states of the perpetual union of colony state world countries.

So, how can any private registered corporate financial entity foreclose on your property whether your property consists of real estate, automobile, children, or whatever when the bank or presumed lender did not loan you not even a penny of their assets including money for you to buy anything.

To learn more about this contact me, David Young de God at Cancel1Mortgage.info or SKYPE dayglobal.

Do you know who you are? If you are under the false impression that you are Federal United States Citizens, you are brainwashed! LEGAL under the Federal Government is not Lawful under organic law!! Think about it..

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