"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, they are now SHACKLED with DEBT."

Are You an Actual Dead Person Walking and Don’t Know It?

Have you ever thought that you are dead and don’t know it if you keep your 6-foot social distancing?

The depth of a dug-out dirt grave is 6 feet the same as Social Distancing. You are obeying orders from another person or group of persons when you wear masks or gloves and stay at home in obedience. That few may be one man who is not in authority over you. If you are a dead man walking, you are a CITIZEN, PERSON, and Whipped Dog Debt Slave of your own choosing. Look up the CIVIL SERVICE ACT!!

You who silently sit in your home wearing gloves and masks and OBEY are government-controlled ROBOTS, never questioning those that say they have Authority over your robot OBEYING REQUESTS Person Citizens.
Now, don’t you think that you are dead and in the grave 6 feet under when they throw the dirt on top of you?
AND don’t you know it if you keep your 6-foot social distancing through this government-controlled test and experiment to control you even more in the near future?

The GOVERNMENT created and owns YOUR all CAP NAME BIRTH CERTIFICATE, declares you a civilly dead, traded on the stock market exchange, a Surety to pay your dead commercial STRAWMAN all CAPS NAME debts, and a CIVIL Dead PERSON walking in the commercial realm of their make-believe Matrix world.
Now, don’t you think that you are civilly dead and don’t know it if you keep your 6-foot social distancing?

How else could there be a B.A.R. ATTORNEY acting as the administrator of your ESTATE and posing as a crossdresser JUDGE in the COURTS to steal your property for the Banks? The answer is that you allow it and let them do it without questioning or objecting. You just OBEY them, don’t you??

The Civil Servant Act of the 1867-69 state that you are civilly dead beings and all public civil servant officials must take an oath of office pursuant to 5 U.S. Code §3331 to defend and uphold the 1887-91 Federal Constitution, your State Constitution, and to PROTECT YOU and your PROPERTY from enemies both foreign and domestic.

This is why all the individual Countries joined a Union as individual several states with the passing of the 1787-91 Republic Constitution for the united states of America. GOVERNMENT CODE – TITLE 6. PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES – SUBTITLE B. STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES – CHAPTER 653. BONDS COVERING CERTAIN STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES – Sec. 653.001. SHORT TITLE. This chapter may be cited as the State Employee Bonding Act. The Bonding Act, Title 11 §8-105 states all public officials must have a bond for their mistakes to the public. Now, don’t you think that you are civilly dead and don’t know it if you keep your 6-foot social distancing?

If a Judge has one or neither of the oath of office or insurance bonded, his office is vacant and all judgments and dismissals in every court case are void, because the ATTORNEY Judge is not a JUDGE or Administrator, and NOT a Public Official holding the public trust and his office is vacant. Now, don’t you think that you are dead and don’t know it if you keep your 6-foot grave depth social distancing? Think about it.

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