"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, they are now SHACKLED with DEBT."

All Debts Today are Discharged by Promissory Notes

All debts today are discharged by promises to pay in the future with promissory notes.  All Federal Reserve Notes, DOLLARS, are non-registered securities and promise to pay in the future. The Private Bankers National Banking Association, PBNBA, preprocessed promissory notes are considered as money under Federal Law, Public Policy, International Treaty Law, and Common Law. Federal Reserve Notes or FRNs are secured by the utility of a live man’s energy or labor as collateral to the United States Corporation National Debt. 

When quoting U.C.C. Bar statutes, the business court corporations require them to be quoted with State or Federal statute designation. U.C.C. codes are United Nations Statutes, but are codified in every local jurisdiction. SOLYOM v. THE MARYLAND-NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION, 53 Md. App. 280 (1982) 452 A.2d 1283. In accordance with 31 U.S.C. §5103 and 18 USC §8, such Promissory Note instruments are “national bank currency” and thereby ‘coin or currency of the United States’ by statutory definition and can be issued by Private Bankers who are lifetime banking members of the Private Bankers National Banking Association, PBNBA. These PBNBA preprocessed promissory notes are “THE EQUIVALENT” OF MONEY as per 12 USC §1813 (L) and must be accepted by all banks and financial institutions as payoff, set off, discharge, and full settlement of all debts and loans.

So become a member and join the ranks of hundreds of Private Bankers National Banking Association family members and pay off your debts without using your energy or labor as collateral. Become a Private banker today at www.PBNBA.com. Let’s beat the banks at their own game.


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