"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, they are now SHACKLED with DEBT."

How To Become A Private Banker

It is easy to become a Private Banker in a matter of a few days under a National Banking Association just like the Federal Reserve Banks N.A.! Private banking arrangements are typically structured to have a central point of contact (i.e., relationship manager) that acts as a liaison between the client and the bank that facilitates the clients’ use of the bank’s financial services to write and issue promissory notes to pay off debts under Federal Law, State Law, International Law and bankers Treaties and Common Law without being a Corporation among other banking needs.

However, the Private Bankers National Banking Association, PBNBA, is a National Banking Association under Common Law,  just like the Federal Reserve Banks under the Federal Reserve Act and Federal Laws, except  PBNBA does not open checking accounts, makes loans, or none of the traditional banking institutions fraud, because we are authorized to write and issue notes, promissory notes, used to pay off debts just like the all mighty company dollar issued by Federal reserve Banks that you call money. You can also write and issue our preprocessed promissory notes that we process for you to pay off debts as a member of the Private Bankers National Banking Association, PBNBA.

Typical products and services offered in a private banking relationship as Private Bankers include:

  • Domestic Promissory Notes
  • International Promissory Notes
  • Promissory Notes for debt payoff on the same par as the Federal Reserve Promissory Note Dollars (Money)

Becoming a Private Banker Member is easy with the Private Bankers National Banking Association, PBNBA, Federal and Common Law National Banking Association. All you do is go to the www.PBNBA.com website and become a two (2) year member or a Lifetime Member to be authorized and able to write, by signing your signature, and issuing the preprocessed Promissory Note that banks and lenders must accept under Federal , International, Treaty, and Common laws. Our PBNBA E-booklet on site shows you these banking laws and a whole lot more so you can easily understand the value as a PBNBA Member.

The Banks and Banking laws of the National Banking Association under the Federal Reserve Act and various Treaty and International Law state that a  Private Banker is a Financial Institution; Unincorporated Banking Institution; and  Financial Agency under Federal Law and Common Law pursuant to  31 U.S.C. §5312 and a Private Bankers National Banking Association, PBNBA, Bankers Acceptance Promissory Note under (U.C.C. §2-304) that states, “The price can be made payable in money or otherwise…”. This means that you can pay off your debts using the processed PBNBA promissory note issued by a Legal Common Law National Banking Association.

This is how to become a private banker. To prove that you are a private banker in a National Banking association with the power to write promissory notes to pay off your debts, upon joining as a Private Banker Member, you will receive a Private Bankers National Banking Association, PBNBA registered Numbered Certificate that you can proudly display to banks and your friends and family.

Join as a Private Banker today and be an equal to other bankers in the Federal Reserve and become a valuable part of the Private Bankers National Banking Association, PBNBA Family, because there is strength in numbers.


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