"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, they are now SHACKLED with DEBT."

The Disturbing Truth About the Home You Think You Own – Part 10

Here’s the bottom line. Expect ever-increasing inflation and taxation until the situation spirals out of control which could happen soon on the the Home You Think You Own. [embedded content] Unfortunately, most people have no idea how bad things can get, let alone how to prepare.We will likely see incredible volatility in the financial markets Read more about The Disturbing Truth About the Home You Think You Own – Part 10[…]

What is the Difference between Bill of Exchange and a Promissory Note?

A bill of exchange and a New Credit Agreement Debt Payoff Security NOTE Draft promissory note are both negotiable instruments used in commercial transactions, but they have distinct characteristics and serve different purposes to get the debt paid off and verified by the Courts. Cancel1Mortgage.info processes both in order to pay your debt off. Here’s Read more about What is the Difference between Bill of Exchange and a Promissory Note?[…]

Promissory Note Security in its Simplest Form

Our State Licensed processed and registered debt payoff promissory note security, in its simplest form, is a valid, Government registered under SEC Rules, and a verified negotiable financial debt payment Bank Business Instrument by which a Lender/Servicer Debt Collector (the Payee) receives from Borrower through the Account and security obligation of the United States under Read more about Promissory Note Security in its Simplest Form[…]

The Disturbing Truth About the Home You Think You Own – Part 11

The people in Florida have it made if they know that their own Florida State constitution declares that there shall be no property taxes in the State. Yet the Florida Government is collecting illegal property taxes against their own State Constitution. [embedded content] Collecting of property taxes is prohibited by the State Constitution. Yes, this Read more about The Disturbing Truth About the Home You Think You Own – Part 11[…]

The Disturbing Truth About the Home You Think You Own – Final Part 12

Florida is one state that bands property taxes from being collected on real estate and personal property rights in the Florida Constitution! [embedded content] Read https://Cancel1Mortgage.info to find how to extinguish, terminate, and pay off bank debts quickly in every state and United Nations Countries. SO, how does the Florida county governments get away with Read more about The Disturbing Truth About the Home You Think You Own – Final Part 12[…]

Consent Under MAXIMS OF LAW Once Given is Gone – Part 17

An unconstitutional act is not law! [embedded content] An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed. Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 p. 442. The United States Read more about Consent Under MAXIMS OF LAW Once Given is Gone – Part 17[…]

Consent Under MAXIMS OF LAW Once Given is Gone – Part 16

1787 Territorial Federal Re-Written non-organic law Constitution. Then came the second 1787 Territorial Federal Re-Written non-organic law Constitution. [embedded content] One of the earliest judicial interpretations of the Privileges or Immunities Clause was to protect the enumerated constitutional rights of we the American people such as those listed in the Bill of Rights Privileges and Read more about Consent Under MAXIMS OF LAW Once Given is Gone – Part 16[…]

Consent Under MAXIMS OF LAW Once Given is Gone – Part 15

Establishment of “The United States of America” Government Bill of Rights When we, the people” established, approved, confirmed, ratified and Adopted (meaning Government acceptance to abide by) the organic law first styled or named the 1777 thirteen colony state Confederation Constitution Perpetual union of states, “The United States of America” Government by writing the first Read more about Consent Under MAXIMS OF LAW Once Given is Gone – Part 15[…]

Consent Under MAXIMS OF LAW Once Given is Gone – Part 13

More Stature Court Cases. All laws, rules, and practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. Marbury v. Madison, 5th US (2 Cranch) 137, 180] (judicial review) “There, every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowman without Read more about Consent Under MAXIMS OF LAW Once Given is Gone – Part 13[…]

Consent Under MAXIMS OF LAW Once Given is Gone – Part 12

Right of Sovereignty, A Constitutional right is the sovereignty to act without the permission of others, the government, or Corporations. The concept of a right carries with it an implicit, unstated. [embedded content] footnote: you may exercise your rights as long as you do not violate the same rights of another-within this context, rights are Read more about Consent Under MAXIMS OF LAW Once Given is Gone – Part 12[…]